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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

How do I expand or collapse several rows under a header in Excel?
Solved by M. H. in 19 mins
I need help on pivot table formatting. how to expand and collapse properly
Solved by V. H. in 14 mins
I have over 50 categories that are exported from a database to excel but to make sense of them I need to get excel to collapse them into a more manageable 13! How do I get excel to do this?
Solved by A. J. in 22 mins
Is there a way to collapse the cells in a sheet based on the selection in a cell.
Solved by O. C. in 30 mins
I need help creating a collapse/expand macro button on a pivot table. I have an example one created, just cant figure out how to recreate.
Solved by Z. U. in 25 mins