Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I need a formula to add up only numbers in a rows cells and exclude letters in the row cells
Solved by K. B. in 30 mins
Hi. How do I do a row of numbers that add 1 each time. eg 1 row = 1, next row = 2, next row = 3. without typing manually
Solved by K. U. in 26 mins
how to add 5 same numbers in a column and next 5 same numbers from 1 to 1000
Solved by B. E. in 26 mins
I need to find a formula to recognize a particular name in a column and associate the numbers (row) with the name. add up all the numbers with the name and divide by how many times the name comes up.
Solved by V. D. in 14 mins
Need help getting formula to add the numbers in a row when some cells have a formula in them. Currently displaying a #VALUE! error