Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
Trying to us =query on google sheets to pull data to one TAB
Solved by D. S. in 21 mins
How do I query all the information between two dates? In Excel or in Google Sheets
Solved by B. H. in 16 mins
Hi there I need help with a cell reference containing text when using query in google sheets Thank you
Solved by B. B. in 16 mins
what does this mean: =query(Status!1:999,"select E , count(C) where (C <> '') group by E order by E label count(C) 'Count', E 'Stage' ", 3)
Solved by O. W. in 17 mins
This is an Excel question and not a Google Sheets question. I have a table of static data on the worksheet EC2_Pricing I am trying to recreate it using an API query through Power Query and place it into EC2_Pricing2. I need to transform this data within Power Query before it arrives in the table.