Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Calculator
I need a calculator to determine an Internal Rate of Return (IRR). calculates the IRR on an annual basis of an irregular stream of 15 payments.
Solved by M. E. in 25 mins
i need a age calculator that return number of years month and days
Solved by Z. A. in 20 mins
I have a calculator that customers can use. They enter their name and company details first so we can identify them. Then they enter a series of numbers into the calculator to generate an answer. How do I prevent the calculator returning an answer (and return a suitable message) if the initial name/company fields are left blank?
Solved by B. Y. in 28 mins
Guys - Please help. I need to complete a dynamic reverse IRR, preferred return. and MIRR calculator that models a fund's capital calls and distribution waterfalls. Then use the total proceeds to calc total fees
Solved by T. Y. in 30 mins
I have created a formula with true and false however would like it to be $0 if the cells are blank.
=IF(AND(OR('BT Calculator'!C4="Super/Pension",'BT Calculator'!C4="IDPS"),'BT Calculator'!D4-'BT Calculator'!E4=0),180,540)