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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Solved by D. H. in 29 mins
I want to generate a set of 100 Random numbers and then sub into a maths formula to generate values of Y then compare these to another set Y using the Monte Carlo method.
Solved by C. H. in 22 mins
How can I generate a random number, from 1-0. I have old excel from OpenOffice. Thanks
Solved by E. W. in 12 mins
I have two columns of data. The first column is random, multi-digit ID numbers and the second column are dates that are specific to those ID numbers (i.e. 2234 matches 3/3/95 only) I want to be able to go to another workbook or sheet and type in a random ID number from the first column and then have excel generate the corresponding date next to it. I want to be able to do this with a sheet that has 400+ ID numbers with dates, go to another workbook and start typing ID numbers down column A and then excel generate it's date in column B
Solved by X. E. in 19 mins
how to fill blank spaces in excel with random numbers
Solved by D. C. in 30 mins