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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

How can I freeze both the top rows and the first columns on a spreadsheet?
Solved by O. A. in 14 mins
I am trying to freeze rows 1-7 and columns A-E, therefore when I scroll up/down only columns from F8-T8 and below move vertically thanks
Solved by T. L. in 13 mins
Using Excel 3016 With earlier versions I was able to freeze multiple rows. Now I can only freeze the top row. If I select 2 rows about half a screen full of rows are frozen.
Solved by X. B. in 19 mins
how can I freeze a row I excel? How can I freeze qa column in excel?
Solved by X. Y. in 27 mins
Whenever I want to create a new spreadsheet, the worksheet defaults to "freeze panes" - both rows and columns. There is no option to unfreeze panes. How can I fix this?
Solved by X. B. in 20 mins