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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I need help with a gantt chart and the necessary formulas needed for the conditional formatting.
Solved by K. Y. in 30 mins
I'm stuck with my GANTT chart! I can get the conditional formatting to work for weeks but not for days.
Solved by K. D. in 29 mins
I have a spreadsheet that holds TWO TYPES of Table; One with Project Tasks and Gantt Chart and the second with the same Project tasks plus costs. I have FOUR formulaes/conditional formatting to complete if possible pls?
Solved by F. A. in 30 mins
I need help creating an excel GANTT chart.
Solved by V. H. in 23 mins
I need a formula for a conditional formatting based on a percentage value in another column. I created a gantt chart, and I have a conditional formatting for cells based on the duration of the task, but I want to have a different formatting, based on the percentage of progress on it.
Solved by E. E. in 25 mins