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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Conditional formatting - need formula to not show if cell is blank
Solved by T. E. in 22 mins
I am trying to use conditional formulas on the answers to a formula. However, if I apply the conditional format rule to a cell, it seems to reference the formula itself and not the answer to the formula. For example, if I type '160%' into the cell, the conditional formatting works, but if I put in a formula that has the result ''160%', the conditional formatting does not work.
Solved by T. H. in 22 mins
I need help using conditional formatting to highlight a field when it has reached a certain date, even if there is a conditional formatting formula already in the spreadsheet
Solved by A. Y. in 29 mins
i need a conditional formatting in excel
Solved by X. B. in 17 mins
Need help with conditional formatting excel
Solved by C. Y. in 18 mins