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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I need a nested IF formula. I want it to return a value if it meets one of 6 options. Here is my formula: =IF(R$4=$G39,$F153*$F$140,IF(R$4=$G39+$E$147,$F153*$F$147,IF(R$4=$G39+$E$143,$F153*$F$143,IF(R$4=$G39+$E$144,$G153*$F$144,IF(R$4=$G39+$E$145,$F153*$F$145,IF(R$4=$G39+$E$146,$F153*$F$146,0)))))) But it only returns the first one and everything else is 0.
Solved by G. H. in 28 mins
I am calculating the time between two times, an order being placed and order being delivered. I used =TEXT($R$2-$E$2,"h:mm:ss") to get this. I'm now trying to use an IF Function to say that if the time is <45 mins, say it's "fast" else, "slow". I have tried: =if((TEXT($R$2-$E$2,"h:mm:ss"))<time(0,45,00),"fast","slow") but everything returns as slow, which isn't correct. Can you help?
Solved by X. U. in 23 mins
Hi, can you please help me with nested IF statement in Excel? IF(A=1) else check next cell IF(B=1) else check next cell IF(C=1) then perform calculation.
Solved by C. C. in 19 mins
Need help with percentage rank excel. I have a formula that is finding rank even when filtered. Now I need to turn that rank into a percentage, 1-100, even when filter also. The formula for the rank is =SUM(IF(SUBTOTAL(103,OFFSET($R$2:$R$1022,ROW($R$2:$R$1022)-ROW($R$2),0,1))>0,IF(R2>$R$2:$R$1022,1)))+1
Solved by E. J. in 24 mins
I need formula to express: IF (23 > 0 AND 26 > (24+ 23), 26-23-24) ELSE IF (23 <= 0 AND 26 > 24, 26 - 24) ELSE 0
Solved by M. H. in 18 mins