Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I am using excel online and I can't get the "equal sign" to work from one sheet to another. It doesn't want to grab the info for some reason. Any idea why?
Solved by O. J. in 21 mins
Must start with an equal sign G). You can entera formula with + sign from the number pad; and Exce/ wi// convert it to an = sign. Add + (cell A3)
Subtract -B 1 (cell C 1)
Multiply (cell DI) Divide =AI/BI (cell El)
Solved by D. A. in 12 mins
I want help so i can make a formula that will compare numbers in two cells and if they are equal to display an equals sign. if one is less to display a minus sign and if one is bigger to display a plus sign
Solved by M. J. in 16 mins
My date on line 8 has an equal sign PlusA8:29 Ahead of the date that was in place of Sept.29,2018
Solved by S. W. in 24 mins
Whenever I type a report and put in a dollar sign with a number,
it always moves the figures to the left and then the column
doesn't add up. Any ideas?