Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I need to a formula to add 373 hours worked plus (4 sick days) x8hours Plus 4 vacation days x 8 hours
Solved by X. J. in 21 mins
spreadsheet shows all days broken down into hours. Just want them grouped into days.
Solved by E. E. in 17 mins
I need a formula for columns of times and days of week that says within these days of weeks/hours is "Inside" and outside of these days of week/hours are "outside".
M-F 0900-1800, Sat 0900-1200
Solved by X. H. in 11 mins
I need to calculate the time in days/hours/min it takes to compete a task.
The time stamp from our systems at work is an odd format:
Test date Completed date days/hours/min
25.08.2017 07:12 28.08.2017 08:28 ???????
Solved by X. H. in 11 mins
i would like to reformat the data from input sheet, showing hours and days, into a simplified chart that separates hours like the RME by RM sheet. hint: RM = nanny