Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
i got data which include from date and to date in the following format 24.09.2017 02.10.2017 iam not able to find difference in days between these two days. help me set this..
Solved by A. Y. in 25 mins
i have a date in excel and a want a formula to say if it is due within 7 days , 14 days , or 21 days
Solved by M. A. in 11 mins
i want to create a function in excel where it sends an automatic email relevant to a date. an email will be sent 90 days prior then 60 days prior then 30 days prior and final on the due date.
Solved by D. J. in 17 mins
I would like to add 4 working days with a date. For eg, 21-06-18 + 4 working days in excel
How to do this?
Solved by C. S. in 21 mins
formula for calculating date difference for a report