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I am having issues with using Custom Data Validation to limit the user input in the following way: Tab 1 has a list (part of a table) on it with a number of text items, as well as 5 cells which are set to be equal to the user input from Tab 2. In Tab 2, I want to use custom data validation to prevent the user input from being equal to anything in the list in tab 1. I am currently trying to use =countif([list from tab 1],[user input from tab 2])<=1 as the formula but for some reason it isn't working. I know the formula is right because I tested it outside of data validation and it works. Does Custom Validation have a bug!?
Solved by D. D. in 28 mins
Hello, Is there a way to use Data Validation in a cell with the condition that if the text length is between 3-9 symbols a text saying "Correct" should appear and if it is not in the range 3-9, a "-" have to appear instead. I tried with Data Validation -> Validation criteria -> Allow Custom and this function =IF(AND(LEN(C3)>=3;LEN(C3)<=9);"Correct";"-"). I am using the C3 cell. Thank you in advance.
Solved by O. H. in 23 mins
How to cancel the data validation in the excel
Solved by V. H. in 12 mins
I am unable to add a date data validation on Excel
Solved by I. B. in 28 mins
i want a dynamic data validation list for my excel sheet
Solved by A. D. in 17 mins