Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I would like to create a line chart where in if the data was random number within 1-10.
Solved by B. J. in 16 mins
How do I create a line graph in excel? I keep trying to do it, but for some reason the chart gets fixated on the last two colums of my data, what do I do?
Solved by E. S. in 28 mins
I want to create a line chart table for the data so easily check for our historical value?
Solved by B. E. in 11 mins
Hello, Excel 2016 Question. How do I combine 2 rows of data into one line chart. I have data in B5 and C5, I have data in B7 and C7. How do I combine this into one line chart?
Solved by S. S. in 19 mins
I am trying to create a benchmark line in an Excel Chart. I have it set at 7.8%. But the first month is showing 0. How do I get all months to be at 7.8%?