Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I need a function that would create me a disappearing fields based on selection from a dropdown list and also multiply the sum of cells by dropdownlist selection
Solved by K. U. in 27 mins
How do I a create a multiple selection option from a drop down menu without repetition in excel? The VBA codes I used did not run in the sheet.
Solved by I. L. in 14 mins
I am using formulas-create from selection to name cells and would like the cells "name" to appear when referencing the cell rather than the =worksheet(cell) reference similar to excel 2013 "labels" function.
Solved by K. H. in 17 mins
Use the Create from Selection command to create named ranges for the data table B8:E11 using the labels in row 1 as the basis for the names.
Solved by O. U. in 11 mins
i would like to link to a named cell using formula-create from selection and see the name instead of the cell reference. see attached file