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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Countif A collumn of dates is less than a date in a specific date. =COUNTIF(D3:D438,"<E575") Did not work.
Solved by T. B. in 25 mins
I need a COUNTIF criteria that finds the number of entries that are "less than .1 but no greater than .2".
Solved by G. C. in 16 mins
I am trying to count numbers in a column if they are less than or equal to a value in C20. It works when I do "=" but not when I combine with less than. What am I doing wrong? =COUNTIF($H$26:$H$67,"<="&C20)
Solved by V. D. in 23 mins
I need a formula that will allow the following: (countif forumula with multiple variables) Q: How many assignments are less than 15 minutes?
Solved by K. Y. in 29 mins
Having unexpected behavior with CountIf statements. It counts the occurrence of a string passed into a function, However, when a number with the less than operator i.e. <5 is passed in, does not behave well.
Solved by A. F. in 21 mins