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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I need a COUNTIF criteria that finds the number of entries that are "less than .1 but no greater than .2".
Solved by G. C. in 16 mins
What is the formula for greater than or less than on excel?
Solved by T. F. in 21 mins
Enter a formula in cell J16 that uses the COUNTIF function to determine how many students have an average grade greater than 80%. Note: The formula can be typed using lowercase letters.
Solved by D. C. in 16 mins
I have a column with a difference in time, is it possible to derive a COUNTIF function for when this time is greater than one hour. The column is in the custom format hh:mm
Solved by K. Y. in 27 mins
How do I add determine if date is greater than today in Excel sheet?
Solved by V. J. in 19 mins