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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

COUNTA function to add cells with a specific inserted color
Solved by B. B. in 28 mins
I want to use the =INDEX(A:A,COUNTA(A:A),1) function but to be able to select the last 50 pieces of data
Solved by S. B. in 27 mins
Hello. I cannot get this formula to work. The two address functions work fine independently but not inside of the Median function. I suspect it's due to the fact that the Address functions result in a text value and the colon separates the two functions, but I'm baffled. Your assistance is appreciated. =MEDIAN(ADDRESS(COUNTA(B:B)-5,2):ADDRESS(COUNTA(B:B),2))
Solved by E. W. in 14 mins
I am new to the excel. what is the difference between count and countA
Solved by E. A. in 17 mins
I am trying to count the number of entries (a counta function) (dates) that are greater than another cell (another date) and am having trouble. Google sheets
Solved by O. J. in 26 mins