Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
Can you please help me with a formula that will convert ---> 7 days 22 hours 51 minutes 27 seconds 630 milliseconds
to the format dd:hh:mn:sec?
Solved by X. Q. in 23 mins
I need a formula that will convert hours worked into decimal format without seconds. Ex. 9 hrs and 18 minutes (9:18) worked converted to 9.3
Solved by V. S. in 13 mins
I want to sum up hours minutes and seconds
Solved by E. D. in 25 mins
I have minute and second in one cell (e.g 3:23) in formula command it is showing (e.g 3:23:00 AM).
It is 3 minute and 23 seconds.
I need help to convert this into seconds in a separate column.
Solved by X. W. in 16 mins
I want to add a list of hours to get the total hours and convert that total hours to decimal hours.