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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

To Convert USDollars into pounds at old rates, and cannot find GENERAL in Formulas to set up the cell.
Solved by F. F. in 17 mins
I'm trying to convert weight in pounds to weight in kg. I know what the formula should be but I'm getting a syntax error. Can you please help me? Weight in Pounds Weight in Kilograms 215 182
Solved by Z. C. in 20 mins
I made a drop down list in a worksheet to convert between ounces, kilograms, grams and pounds. When scroll down to kilogram I get A #NA error. Here is the formula I used. =CONVERT(H18,K17,N17) If I scroll between the other units they all convert fine. But if I use Kilograms I get the error.
Solved by O. C. in 24 mins
I need a formula to calculate total pounds divided by total time in hours and minutes to get total pounds per hour example: 46862.4 total pounds with a run time of 4:23 = total pounds per hour can you help please?
Solved by G. Y. in 21 mins
Need to convert amount in word Need to convert amount in word
Solved by Z. Y. in 28 mins