Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I have a problem regarding to How to Convert Column Numbers to Letters in Excel
Solved by T. W. in 25 mins
I need a formula to convert a string of letters within a cell to numbers - abcdef to 123456
Solved by B. A. in 28 mins
I need to convert a string of letters, example "NEEGVQE" which all in one cell and convert each letter into a number, example N= -3.5 E= -3.5 G= -0.4 V= 4.2 Q= -3.5 and then add those numbers up to get a value.
Solved by V. U. in 25 mins
Showing results for How i change in excel only the 3 letters from 1 column what have numbers also and paste to all columns the first 3 letters only
Solved by Z. H. in 23 mins
I have a row of letters and numbers i need to remove the letters and add them to another column. Example BSN17525