Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
FOR AM37, I want to count the number of negative consecutive numbers in AH excluding cells that no value.
Solved by C. U. in 18 mins
I'm trying a Maths assignment in Excel and I want my spreadsheet to find if five numbers from 2-10 are consecutive (5 in a row). How can I do this for cells not in a row/column? Thanks
Solved by G. S. in 16 mins
I need to highlight cells where two consecutive cells in column A are the same AND two consecutive cells in column B are the same.
Solved by S. H. in 18 mins
I have a column of consecutive 1's followed by a false. I need to sum the consecutive 1' groups of 1-1's,2-1's ,3-1's etc,4,5, etc. For example in the column there is 1,1 false then 1,1,1 then false etc
Solved by A. A. in 28 mins
I need a formula that takes a label name e.g. lk-34 and adds consecutive numbers afterwards e.g. lk-34.01 lk-34.02 etc Any help would be much appreciated!