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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I need help i'm trying to run this formula as a command button to no avail..
Solved by C. A. in 14 mins
I am trying to create an order sheet in excel where my customers can press a command button and the marco will run allowing them to instantly send me an email with the attachment.. Help?
Solved by A. L. in 21 mins
I made a macro (which has since been deleted) that added a command button on the right click menu. I now have like 40 of the same button. how do I delete or restore the original rigth click menu. this is excel 2016
Solved by B. B. in 18 mins
I need to automatically transfer the highlighted data from one workbook to the MASTER Time Sheet by simply clicking the command prompt "update" button.
Solved by G. E. in 30 mins
I need to know how can make formula for a command button to go to next sheet or up and down a sheet itself.
Solved by O. C. in 21 mins