Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I set the column width at 13.5 but if I click back onto the column later, it shows the column width at 13.56. If I try to change the column width with the mouse, it will not go to 10ths, it lists .33, .44, .55, etc.
Solved by F. F. in 23 mins
Excel for Mac v 16.16.6 (190114) on MacBook Air 13. I set the Excel Preferences>General>Ruler Units to Inches. When View>Page Layout, I set a column width to 1 (72 pixels). When View>Page Layout, Format>Column>Width it shows 1. When View>Normal, Format>Column>Width shows 11.17. What useless units are these? How can I show Inches in Normal?
Solved by K. C. in 17 mins
how do I adjust the column width to the size 10 on a Mac for excel 2018
Solved by G. A. in 11 mins
How do I change the width of a column. I have it set on auto but lower down the column I want to change the width there but when I do it changes the width of the top portion.