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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Hi, I'm trying to populate a cell on a page with a check mark once an check mark has been added to another cell or range or cells in another sheet within the same work book
Solved by Z. L. in 29 mins
are you able to look at my google sheet and have the ability to when a check mark is checked then it will add the number value in my case it is the number of fiber that i have eaten such as advacado which is 9 grams of fiber. Then to add 10 other foods in the same mannner. I have type all this on excel and google sheets but not able to have sum the values when checked
Solved by I. C. in 25 mins
i need to make the check mark turn green on T2 in Star Rez Audit
Solved by A. B. in 24 mins
Possible to pull in values from Google Adwords into Google sheets, using date range from Google sheets?
Solved by X. W. in 18 mins
I need urgent help in google sheets combining the two sheets by user_id and calculating the pass percentage of a clear result in both checks. Questions: 1. How do I combine the sheets by user_id 2. How do I calculate the clear % for check 1? 3. How do I calculate the clear % of check 2? 4. How do I calculate the clear % of both the checks?
Solved by E. E. in 16 mins