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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I was sent a spreadsheet and wanted to change a name to upper case. Once I hit tab or enter it automatically changed back to lower case. How is that done?
Solved by O. U. in 18 mins
How can I fold text from upper case to Title Case in an EXCEL cell/workbook?
Solved by T. J. in 17 mins
Is it possible for excel to lower case or upper case the words on a cell and if it is a name only the first character is uppercase and the rest is lower case?
Solved by O. D. in 13 mins
I need to extract lower case words from a column the at contains both lower case and upper case words.
Solved by M. U. in 22 mins
formulas to calculate daily case closed by user
Solved by C. Y. in 18 mins