Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
uppercase months in dates like: 14 MAY 2018 not 14 May 2018
Solved by X. H. in 18 mins
I need to separate my columns in excel. I see text to columns however on my excel sheet I need to separate the columns by all uppercase letters from sentence case words. Is there a way to do this?
Solved by Z. E. in 19 mins
Hi, Can you please copy the content of "name" column and "theme" column into "ebay_name_80" column. All in uppercase, limiting it to 80 characters.
Solved by F. A. in 30 mins
Is it possible for excel to lower case or upper case the words on a cell and if it is a name only the first character is uppercase and the rest is lower case?
Solved by O. D. in 13 mins
In cell K2, enter a formula to display the inventory code from column A as all uppercase letters. Copy the formula down the column.