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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

How can I fold text from upper case to Title Case in an EXCEL cell/workbook?
Solved by T. J. in 17 mins
Is it possible for excel to lower case or upper case the words on a cell and if it is a name only the first character is uppercase and the rest is lower case?
Solved by O. D. in 13 mins
Need help with IF SUM statement in excel.
Solved by T. S. in 14 mins
How do I change case from upper case to initial capital letters and secondly from lower case to uppper case
Solved by G. U. in 28 mins
I need a help with an Excel project I have a case talking about a guy who will choose between working for two companies based on info provided in the case, and calculated in Excel sheet. Some of the formulas in Excel has errors. Also, there are some spelling and date errors. I could not figure out the errors!
Solved by T. J. in 28 mins