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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Is there anyway to make it easy to capitalize the the 1st letter of the word like for the name, it will automatically capitalize the 1st letter of the last name & first name and the rest was small characters?
Solved by B. A. in 22 mins
In Office 365 Excel, I want to change an entire worksheet of data from all caps to proper font (capitalize first letter of each word); in one fell swoop, (not the "inserting blank columns and entering =Proper in the cells and copying/pasting into the blank columns)
Solved by C. C. in 19 mins
Pull first letter of each cell from excel sheet
Solved by K. F. in 15 mins
Position of first letter of word after "data" (target word)
Solved by V. A. in 29 mins
Can you create me a function that will combine the name into FIL format and will make the first letter as capital & small letter for the others.
Solved by T. L. in 20 mins