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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I need to add up the hours worked and get the percentage of hours worked versus hours clocked in. When I use an if formula to calculate hours past midnight, it messes up my summed total of hours worked, making the percentage of hours worked versus hours clocked to be wrong. What can I do???
Solved by E. Y. in 13 mins
I need to calculate hours worked for the day.
Solved by S. Q. in 15 mins
I need a formula to calculate how many hours in a week worked per employee.
Solved by D. J. in 30 mins
need a formula to calculate hours worked, but that get rounded up to the 15 minutes
Solved by S. A. in 21 mins
The formula the previous expert gave me is not working on my excel spreadsheet... it is not generating the correct number I need to calculate hours worked and subtract 30 minutes only if 8 hours or more are worked. Please refer back to my last session.
Solved by M. F. in 29 mins