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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

How do add numbers in a column but exclude those in brackets ie 133 (29) + 163 (76) + 13 (74) = Or ideally add the numbers outside the brackets and separately those inside the brackets), therefore total would look like = 309 (179)
Solved by K. F. in 24 mins
I want to sum the numbers from the first sheet of the excel workbook that are in the column D that are between brackets ().
Solved by V. U. in 20 mins
I need a formula to calculate income tax when I have income brackets and different income range
Solved by S. H. in 21 mins
It is an urgent matter so please if anyone can solve this How to set that if the number in the cell is negative to be displayed in brackets no matter how many digits it has? (-1,34) (-3) (-1,6789) 2 6,789. So if the number is positive it is displayed normally but negative in brackets. I tried #,###;(-#,###) but this gives (1,).
Solved by X. H. in 27 mins
Hi i need the custom format for display of numbers in lakhs with two decimals and negative numbers in brackets. for eg -123456789.00 to be displayed as (1,234.57). Can this be provided
Solved by B. S. in 11 mins