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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Looking to calculate data in a excel spreadsheet such as averages and a small chart
Solved by I. D. in 11 mins
help with averages on graphs on MS Excel
Solved by I. Q. in 30 mins
I have used the average button under the autosum drop down to get averages. Now I need to take those averages, and divide each number by 6, and make a new chart but I cannot copy paste the averages because they are formulas not numbers. I get #REF when i try to paste the averages in a new cell.
Solved by S. Q. in 27 mins
Finding averages using count IFs in a filtered list
Solved by F. W. in 22 mins
Needing help with averages where depending on the criteria defined- it may draw the averages from either of 2 sets of cell ranges
Solved by D. L. in 17 mins