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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

In the current cell, use the average function to calculate the average quarterly revenue for the fiscal year ( do not use the insert function wizard
Solved by X. B. in 23 mins
I am trying to use the excel function AVERAGE for four data slots. When I use the function, it is not taking the average, but instead just leaving me with the four terms added together.
Solved by M. B. in 17 mins
average if function correction for mod 8
Solved by G. E. in 11 mins
On the Grade Average worksheet, select G7 and type "Average." In cell G8, use a formula to generate the average of the contents in Cells B8:F8. Use the fill handle to populate your results through G10. The syntax for the Excel Average function is the following: AVERAGE(argument1, [argument2],...). Arguments can be numbers, named ranges, cell references that contain numbers, or arrays. Select Cell A12, and enter "Class Average." Use a formula to generate the average of IP Assignment 1 in cell B12. Use the fill across handle to populate your results of averaging the other assignments to F12
Solved by Z. A. in 22 mins
In cell J2 in the Data worksheet, insert a function to calculate the average net sales. In cell J3 insert a function to calculate the highest net sales. In cell J4 insert a function to calculate the lowest net sales.
Solved by Z. Y. in 27 mins