Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
In cell C8, use the DCOUNTA database function to calculate the number of apartments that need to be remodeled based on the advanced filter you created.
Solved by M. S. in 16 mins
I need to create criteria in an excel chart using Advanced Filter
Solved by G. H. in 15 mins
Hello I need help with excel advanced copying to another sheet
Solved by G. Q. in 14 mins
Use Advanced Filtering to restrict the data to only display full-time employees with at least one dependent. Place the results in cell A37. Use the criteria in the range H24:M25 to complete the function.
Solved by B. U. in 23 mins
Create an advanced filter using the database list and criteria range. Filter the records in place. In cell C2, enter the appropriate database function to calculate the highest estimated value of the filtered records.