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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I need a function that will find an address that only partially matches.
Solved by G. H. in 22 mins
my indirect function works but it returns a value error when I but the product function in front of it. (INDIRECT("'eVestment Data'!"&SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,((Y2-D3+1)*12+2),4),"1","")&ROW('eVestment Data'!A60)&":"&SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,MATCH($C3,'eVestment Data'!59:59,0),4),"1","")&60)) this formula works but as soon as i add product( 1+ Indirect...), it no longer works. Attached is the excel file
Solved by T. J. in 25 mins
Hello. I cannot get this formula to work. The two address functions work fine independently but not inside of the Median function. I suspect it's due to the fact that the Address functions result in a text value and the colon separates the two functions, but I'm baffled. Your assistance is appreciated. =MEDIAN(ADDRESS(COUNTA(B:B)-5,2):ADDRESS(COUNTA(B:B),2))
Solved by E. W. in 14 mins
Please help me understand the function. =IF(C$2+$A3<=60,SUM(INDIRECT(BM$2&ROW()&":"&CELL("address",OFFSET(C3,0,$A3-1)))),""). I don't get the SUM(INDIRECT(BM$2&ROW()&":"&CELL("address",OFFSET(C3,0,$A3-1)))) Part
Solved by S. U. in 22 mins
I need help to identify which ID'S in my excel sheet have different address or if the address match
Solved by C. C. in 18 mins