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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

s there a formula that I can add time? Essentially I want to take a time lets say 20 hours military time and add 8 hours. I want the result to be 4AM
Solved by V. H. in 17 mins
I have this in excel that show the hours and mins, The format is in [h]:mm but I need sum up the total time. 92 hours 26 mins 92 hours 26 mins 92 hours 26 mins every time I try to add them gives me an error.
Solved by Z. L. in 30 mins
I need for my time sheets to add the hours on the total hours sheet, it currently does do it but when I copy a time sheet to start a new one it wont add them up
Solved by I. J. in 17 mins
need to add up some hours and see the over time per worker and per day..
Solved by O. C. in 27 mins
I have a spread sheet to calculate payroll. I enter the time in and time out with a paid lunch. anything over 7 hours is time owed. When no lunch is taken .30 time is owed. My columns are Date/ Time In/Time Out/ Regular Hours "=sum(time in-time out)*24"/ Time Owed "=If(Reg hours>7,(Reg hours-7), (0))"/NL/Time Used/Balance "Time Owed+NL-Time Used". How would I set this up? I can not get it to add the .30 when no lunch is taken.
Solved by K. E. in 12 mins