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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Hello - how do I add leading zeros to a cell reference from another sheet?
Solved by Z. U. in 29 mins
I need to delete the leading zeros in my excel book.
Solved by O. F. in 21 mins
have done the fix for Excel dropping leading zeros multiple time but when I try to save the file, the zeros just get dropped again
Solved by K. H. in 26 mins
I need a formula in Excel that can add leading zeros to both numbers and alphanumeric characters. For example, I have a set of numbers in an excel column 1 2 2a 20 35b etc.. I want to add leading zeros - 001, 002, 002a, 020, 035b, I can't figure out how to do it for both at the same time. Only one at a time. The problem is that that the set of numbers are intermixed
Solved by S. F. in 18 mins
how to remove the leading three zeros from a multiple string of 14 numbers that are seperated by a , which are all in one cell example: 00003456765432, 00005436786543, 00002345678765, 00004567890789 keep in mind these are all in one cell in excel
Solved by A. C. in 13 mins