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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

how to do a for loop in Excel VBA? its for travelling salesman problem
Solved by B. E. in 27 mins
Write a VBA function that includes a loop that prints "Hello Coalition" 50 times.
Solved by Z. L. in 29 mins
how to write a VBA function that includes a loop that prints "Bev" 20 times, and create a button that triggers this function
Solved by F. W. in 20 mins
VBA code help for looping the macro. I need to loop the VBA code which does the following "Whenever the value in cell B2 of sheet1 changes and it is greater than zero, then value is copied and pasted into sheet2 column A in the next blank cell, ie, A2,B2,C2. I need help to change this code to loop through the cells of Column B ie through B2 to B100."
Solved by B. J. in 15 mins
I need to make a vba script loop through a set list or array or variables (the search criteria) i have a code that works for one number individually but cant figure out how to make it loop. the numbers i need to search for a listed in a set number of cells in the form im searching so i need them listed in the code as variables and not "text"
Solved by B. W. in 22 mins