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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I need a formula for the vat column to automatically load after I have inserted the vat inclusive amount
Solved by Z. H. in 28 mins
I need to build ratio of total of invoice amount for rent ( rent is Invoice Lines/Account/Code = 8105 without VAt and 8401 with vat) per client type Commercial or private. This needs to be cummulated by month. then I need to calculate total of rent by either with vat or without vat. I need to get the ratio between total amount of invoice price for each customer type. We need to take only Invoices in state: paid and open. This ratio i need to apply to the deduct vat. See Sample file. Therefore I have a files all invoices and all supplier invoices.
Solved by X. J. in 25 mins
what would the formula be for this? cell = -10% x2 -vat
Solved by T. H. in 22 mins
I would like to deduct 20% VAT from our income figure and then 17% from that and subtotal the sum
Solved by G. F. in 21 mins
how do you absolute assign a row on an excel spreadsheet? Please advise. Thanks Janice
Solved by D. F. in 16 mins