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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

enter a formula in cell C4 that divides the value in cell B4 by the value in cell B12, using an abs function cell B12
Solved by G. Y. in 22 mins
I have an Excel assignment that deals with various topics such as absolute cell reference and things like that. Can you show me absolute value examples?
Solved by S. U. in 11 mins
I need a formula that will let me copy a column into another column using an absolute reference from a third Column. Example being "Duplicate column I in column J using an absolute reference for Column H"
Solved by F. L. in 16 mins
In cell B6, add an INDEX function that will use an INDIRECT function to retrieve the department issue list for the department listed in cell B3. Use an absolute reference to B3, and then use a relative cell reference to A6 as the row_num argument. Copy the formula down to cell B9.
Solved by T. J. in 25 mins
11. In cell B15, use the keyboard to enter a formula that multiplies the value in cell B9 (the number of students attending the cardio class) by the value in cell C5 (the cost of each cardio class). Use an absolute cell reference to cell C5 and a relative reference to cell B9. Copy the formula from cell B15 to the range C15:M15.
Solved by O. J. in 15 mins