I want help with developing macros for a tool i am designing.
1. I want the title sheet to collect the respective district number from the boxes around the numbers and populate it on background sheet under maintenance_dist from e2:e36.
2. The next sheet to pop up should be area screen. If urban is clicked in back ground d2:d36 1 should be populated, If rural is clicked in back ground 0 should be populated in d2:d36.
3. next sheet to pop up is budget category. "<$2mil" or ">$2mil" should be printed accordingly in background sheet from g2:g36.
4. next sheet to pop up is season. the respective names should be populated on R2 in background sheet.
5. next sheet to pop up is Project work type. the user can click on any of the red entries and the respective numbers should be populated from c2:c36. in background sheet.
After the fifth step, I want the Production Rate Estimates sheet to show up.
That's all the help I need code.
Solved by G. U. in 29 mins