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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

pivot table and help continuing where the project left off
Solved by A. L. in 26 mins
i want to learn how to use the if function with a time value
Solved by O. Q. in 11 mins
I have a column that includes first and last name (lets say column A) and a column that identifies if they should be included with a yes or no (Lets say column B). i'm trying to determine how to make a new column (C) only display the last name from column A if Column B equals Yes. I've pieced together some formulas, this one gives me just the last name: =RIGHT(D11,LEN(D11)-FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(D11," ","*",LEN(D11)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(D11," ",""))))) But when i add this to a IF logic test it doesnt work, help please... =IF(E5="YES",[RIGHT(D5,LEN(D5)-FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(D5," ","*",LEN(D5)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(D5," ","")))))], [""])
Solved by Z. H. in 11 mins
Anybody online? Have a problem relating to firstname,lastname.
Solved by G. J. in 22 mins
Hello, I'm looking to set up a spreadsheet that displays all the items that come in. I'm not sure what formula to use so that when I type in a number for example 20, then 20 columns loads up. I basically want a professional looking "Goods Inwards reject action form". Any help would be greatly appreciated
Solved by G. Q. in 19 mins
I need to find out one vehicle filled fuel more than 2 in a day from excel datas
Solved by G. H. in 28 mins
hi, I am stuck on a pivot table, please help me
Solved by G. W. in 27 mins
trying to find a formula that will auto populate when a specific text answer is filled in a previous cell
Solved by T. B. in 24 mins
I am trying to use the excel function AVERAGE for four data slots. When I use the function, it is not taking the average, but instead just leaving me with the four terms added together.
Solved by M. B. in 17 mins
When I open excel, the worksheet doesn't show (the screen is grayed out) and most of the task bar options are grayed out as well.
Solved by V. A. in 13 mins