Please see the SSE – All Jobs Tracker - Column AD formula from Row 5 onwards – I”ve put the formula incorrectly so please can you correct it in Row AD5 so I can see it:
I’ve put:
=IF(AC5="","",IF(AC5="Retro Fit-Non-Jointing""FPIs-Non-Jointing""Defects""Other","N","Y"))
but all Cells in Column AD are coming up blank or with Y in it so it’s not working:
What I want the formula to say is this…..
If the Value in Column AC is blank or ‘Other’, leave it blank BUT if the value is ‘Defects,’ ‘Retro Fit-Non-Jointing’ or ‘FPI’s-Non-Jointing’, then put “N”, for all other options put “Y”.
The options are on a drop down list inserted via data validation on the Drop Down Options Tab – Row F8-16.
Solved by A. E. in 28 mins