Design a workbook named sales_LastNameFirstName to help you track your weekly sales commission.
Your name should list in cell A1 in an enlarged font size with a different color than the default color merged and centered across all columns used.
Display in a labeled cell your weekly base pay as a salesperson.
Display in a labeled cell the amount of commission earned the previous week.
Your company pays commission based upon the number of sales made in the week. The commission rate is then multiplied by the weekly base pay to compute commission amount. An English description is given below of commission rates. Use that data to create a lookup table placed on the workbook. Add a box border around the lookup table.
Number of Sales Commission Rate
1-9 3.0%
10-19 3.5%
20 or more 3.8%
Include column headings for date, number of sales, commission rate, commission amount, and total pay.
Format the column headings row with some border in a different color than the default color and each entry boldfaced and center-aligned in its cell.
Include five rows of data for the five business days Monday - Friday. For the first row, enter a particular Monday date and for remaining rows, add 1 to the previous date to compute the new date.
Use the VLOOKUP function to compute the commission rate for each day based on the number of sales.
Compute the commission amount from the commission rate and the base weekly pay.
Compute the total pay as the sum of base pay and commission amount.
Under the rows add a labeled cell and display the sum of commission amounts.
Use the IF function that compares commission amount earned this week to the previous week's value and reports some congratulatory message if the current amount exceeds the previous amount, and some other message otherwise. Format the message in boldface in the same font color as your name.
Use Currency format with two decimals on all money amounts.
Use Percentage format with one decimal on all percentage values.
Insert a small money-related image to the right side of the row data to fit the size of the five rows.
Rename Sheet1 appropriately and delete unused sheets.
Add a header of your name in the left side, sheet name in the middle, and current date on the right side.
Your workbook must be unique and reflect your own data and design.
Solved by S. J. in 12 mins