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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I want to know if there is a function that provides the overall amount of weight loss out of each submission in an a entire column. Just like how at the end of a column you can do the sum or the average, etc. I want it to constantly be able to provide a new number by subtracting every time I put a new number in the column.
Solved by G. L. in 20 mins
I need help with this In addition, the dashboard should have two more sections in it. The first section should be a Yearly dashboard view. In it, we want a drop-down list that allows us to choose one of the years in the worksheet. When we choose one of the years, we want to see: (a) the total revenue, (b) the average monthly revenue, (c) the maximum monthly revenue, and (d) the minimum monthly revenue for all historical sales that occurred in the selected year. I already have a ptable made or whatever it is called.
Solved by E. E. in 18 mins
Want to take average of values, but ignore certain values if zero. So if I were to take weekly averages of the time sheet, but some days people don't work, I don't want the days people don't work to factor. I only want the productive time based averages
Solved by A. B. in 25 mins
I'm trying to create a table that calculates averages based on other cells, but I don't want to include the cells in the same row as each average value
Solved by V. E. in 29 mins
We are creating a new customer classification system to focus on our largest customers. Our biggest customers are going to be called “Gold” class customers and the next group will be called “Silver” class customers: “Gold” class customers are those whose average monthly sales for the last twelve months are $7,000 and greater or the average previous quarter sales are $7,000 and greater. “Silver” class customers are those whose average monthly sales for the last twelve months are between $2,000 and $7,000 or the average previous quarter sales are between $2,000 and $7,000. Add a column next to the average monthly sales on the AR Aging sheet called “class” and make the word “Gold”, “Silver”, or blank appear as explained above. HINT: Do not try to do this step with Conditional Formatting. Now format these three columns: (1) Customer #, (2) the Customer Name, and (3) Class. Format all of these columns with gold fill and white font for the "Gold" class customers, and silver fill and white font for the “Silver” class customers. On the aging report, add our company’s logo (your choice of an appropriate logo), put a useful title on the report, add a freeze pane, and follow all Standards of Professionalism (only for the AR Aging report). The Standards of Professionalism are described in this list . You can also review this video tutorial to watch an explanation of the Standards of Professionalism.
Solved by B. D. in 12 mins
I believe I want to use AVERAGEIFS to find the average of a column (B) if Column (A) is RTG and I want to omit all the zero's from being calculated into the average.
Solved by S. J. in 14 mins
I'm trying to do averages but the cells won't be populated until evaluations are done so I want to show no value. Each evaluation will have an average for the sheet then all the sheets will create an average.
Solved by X. Q. in 12 mins
I need help with the following: Sales: Year-to-date. For each Rep Group, summarize year-to-date sales (ending in the month selected) compared to year-to-date sales (ending the same month in the year prior to the selected year). For example, if “June” and “2018” are selected in the two drop-down lists, then this report would compare year-to-date sales from Jan 2018–Jun 2018, with year-to-date sales from Jan 2017–Jun 2017. Hint: For example, how will using the number of the month instead of the name of the month help you create a formula to easily summarize all sales ending in June (month 6)? Average Unit Price: Year-to-date. For each Rep Group, summarize average year-to-date unit price (ending in the month selected) compared to average year-to-date unit price (ending the same month in the year prior to the selected year). For example, if “June” and “2018” are selected in the two drop-down lists, then this report would compare year-to-date sales from Jan 2018–Jun 2018 with year-to-date sales from Jan 2017–Jun 2017.
Solved by Z. S. in 26 mins
I want a cell to average a range only using values from cells in that range that fall between an upper and lower bound
Solved by V. E. in 11 mins
I need help with a question that is asking me "Enter a formula in cell B7 to calculate the average value of cells B2:B6".
Solved by E. J. in 25 mins